Category Archives: bacon friday

Once in a Blue Moon


A blue moon is a rare occurence in which there is a full moon twice in a month.

Today is such a day, and what a day it was.

1st off -International bacon day we all love bacon.

2nd- bacon friday, a reef warrior tradition, the friday before a monday holiday we enjoy bacon with every meal.

3rd – Casey’s birthday

Happy Birthday Moondoggy

Let’s all raise a rum tonight in your honor.

And last but not least, a perfect sailing day at the Reef.

So, once in a blue moon, the perfect day.



Happy Bacon Friday

Welcome to (Canandian) Bacon Friday! Need I say more. Enjoy bacon all day for every meal and snack.

Check out for fun recipes and more.

Don’t forget next week is also bacon friday, no bacon restrictions in place.

“The friday before monday holidays shall be deemed bacon friday.” was the decree handed down from the reef warriors elders.

bacon friday scheduale 2011

5/20 friday before victoria day (canada)

5/27 friday before memorial day (u.s.)

7/1 friday before independance day (u.s.)

7/29 friday before civic holiday (canada)

9/2 friday before labor day

10/7 friday before columbus day (u.s.) and thanksgiving (canada)