Category Archives: Chili cook off

Chili cook off wrap up

The 2017 Reef Warrior chili cook-off is in the books, Thanks to every one who brought chili. They were all good, the voting was close. A single vote decided the winner and there was a tie for 2nd.

After a vote off,  2nd place was awarded to Joe, in his first chili


Sydney , also a first timer took home the hardware this year.

The highlight of the night (other than the chili) was “The Rain water” rum fountain. A genius creation by our Mad Scientist, Cam.


A great reef sunset was enjoyed by all.

Click here

to view the end of year video.

Paddle pics and Chili Cook-off reminder

In my excitement to share the video post of the Once Around the Wreck paddle I forgot to add these links to photos from the labor day paddle.!AmHHoJ0r1ux-qlozc5Yw4LN9G22Q


And a quick reminder, Chili cook -off will be September 30th, at Caseys place, ledge 4, please have your chili warm and delivered between  4 and 5 pm.

Crock pot cooker bags will be available for pick up the weekend of 9/23 here at ledge 12.

Hope to see everyone there!!!!



The Night before Chili cook off- a poem

‘Twas the night before chili cook-off

and all through the land

every  Reef Warrior was stirring

no toes in the sand.

The chili’s were cooking

all bubbly in their pots

and in each rum glass

all that was left were the rocks

(and the bottle it was poured  from was safely tucked back in its box)

Each Reef Warrior dreaming

of chili and fun

and of being the winner of the Trophy

There could only be one!

But what in front of my rum- blurred eyes did appear?

A shiny red dress

Worn by some dude with a beard?!

I squinted my eyes

To read the sash

It said “Chili Cook-off Queen”

And I threw back my head and laughed!

And in that moment

Great joy filled my heart

For I knew chili cook-off was here.

And soon we would fill our bellies with chili

And we would all……………

play music!

(what did you think I was going to say????)

A poem by Possum

Thanks to Possum for getting us into the Holiday Spirit-yes this is an official Reef Warrior Holiday!

That’s right boys and girls, chili cook-off is this Saturday 9/24  at Casey’s .

If you are planning on bringing a chili please have it at Casey’s by 5:30 pm, hot and ready to go. Remember to  get your crock pot bag from Gail on Friday. It is a great disguise and is even better for clean-up!

The chili queen will arrive about 6:30 to kick off the festivities and the eating will begin.

It should be a nice evening so we are planning on a movie nite afterward on the sailboat screen.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Don’t forget to come hungry!!!!!




Hey all,

I know it’s been a long time since you heard from us, but it has not been much of a sailing or surfing summer round here!


Just wanted to let everyone who has participated in our  Labor day paddle fest, that we plan on doing it again this year, with a few added events. ( I hope) More to come on that.

I would also like to let every one know that we have to re-schedule CHILI COOK OFF for the 3rd of October.

Turns out Wave Jam is the last week of September and Casey needs to go back and see if he can be on the podium for the 3rd straight year.

I hope that does not mess up any ones plans, but it seemed to be the best option. I hope you all can still make it, and maybe the change will allow a few guest who don’t usually get here.

Here is a nice sunset photo from last week, just and gulls

And until we get wind, remember,

Life is short, Drink good rum

Chili cook-off recap

Last weekend we had the social event of the year here at Da’ Reef, our annual chili cook off.

It has taken a full week to recover from the food coma I was in to write the post, IMG_788315 chilis and many, many treats were shared as we enjoyed an evening of food and friendship.

Last year’s runners-up, Ryan and Mike, served as Chili Queens for this season. (pictured here with back to back winners from the last 2 events, Randy and Sharon)IMG_7900This year’s event was one of the most contested ever with a tie for 2nd place and very close voting throughout.

Runner up was awarded to Sara who will serve as Chili Queen 2014. I am sure she will be one of the loveliest queens ever. IMG_7922The winner this year was Robert, a new comer to the event, and to the Reef.

Rob and his family got a place here in the summer of 2012 and quickly became a fixture out on the water, with kayaks, a hobie cat, and sup and windsurf gear. IMG_7959

Great Job Robert!!

Finally I have to mention the good deed Casey bestowed upon a fellow Reef Warrior.

You have all read about Casey the wave sailor, or Casey the rum Quester, or Casey the gear guru, but many of you don’t know about Casey the keeper of the stoke. No matter your skill level Case is always excited for you when you have a great day sailing, or catch a great wave on the sup board, or just to help rig a new sail or dial in a new board.

As keeper of the stoke Casey especially likes to help those who are really stoked and have the passion and desire to improve. One such member of our tribe is Cam, who has a bunch of hand me down gear, a new baby and a very understanding wife.

Cam is out sailing every chance he gets, practicing tacks, jibes, water starts, getting in the harness and footstraps, he is truly stoked.

While at the AWT event in Hatteras last month Casey bought a winning raffle ticket and decided to pass on the prize to Cam,IMG_7972a 2013 Starboard Kode 103 litre board. Congratulations Cam, Keep the stoke going.

Now we just need some wind to try out that board, and we all want to try out that board.