Category Archives: vizcaya cask 21

twas the night before rum quest

A Reef Warrior Christmas Tradition…….

The night before Rum Quest

T’was the night before rum quest

And all along the beach

No rum could be found

Not even the Screech

The reef warriors were fast asleep

Some even in bed

As visions of Sailor Jerry

Danced in their heads

Pyrat Reserve

Had done me in

I finished my nightcap

This is no sin

Soon I was awakened

Up I did dash

Tempted to drink up

A small taste of The Lash

I looked out the window

What I saw gave me stoke

Old Captain Morgan

In a pot still pulled by 8 barrels of oak

He called out the barrels by name

With the same care and skill

The good Captain used

To land the old copper still

Taste Oronoco, try Appleton’s

Drink Bacardi and Zaya

Enjoy Zacapa, Eldorado                     

Savor Diplomatico and Viscaya

The Captain was dark

With a head of cork and wood

With hints of vanilla

I new this would be good

Old like Ron Anejo

Sweet like molasses

He poured himself some grog

I had the same, just different glasses

To the rum bar he went

With a cask full of goods

Many tasty flavors and spices

Ripe fruit and charred woods

Four Square Spiced

For Gidget and the Possum

Thanks good Captain

This is awesome

Kraken for Casey

A flask of Mount Gay for Randy

Rum cakes for Sharon

Even a bone for Sandy

Then he was gone

In the blink of an eye

I’ll be back for mojito Monday

He yelled from the sky

I heard him exclaim

As he rolled out of sight

Happy rum quest to all

And to all, a good night.

Cheers and Happy Holidays from Da’ Reef


Rum Quest month week 4

As rum quest month sadly draws to a close we will finish up with Vizcaya cask 21 and Ron Cententario. Casey and I plan to keep up with  rum quest Wednesdays.

A friend recently visited Costa Rica, when I bumped into her she mentioned what great rum she found there. I told her that Costa Rica makes one of my favorite rums,  so it is in her honor we review Ron Centenario.

A sweet nose, with maybe a hint of cherry. Light in color but bold in taste. Nice thick rum legs as well. Aged 7 yrs in oak brings out a full body, a nice smokeyness warms the tongue. Mild hints of vanilla and caramel. Very smooth. This is a good sipping rum, keep this on the top shelf.

Vizcaya cask 21 cuban formula rum

from Dominican Republic

aged in oak

Casey will  say this is the rum that started rum quest for him. We had tried some different rum but Viscaya opened up all the possibilities of rum.

A light root beer color, nice rum legs. A sweet complex  nose greets you. Lots going on.

The 1st taste is warm and sensual. Sweet, spicy, oaky, vanilla blend together with many other flavors.Very complex but enjoyable. Smooth going down, warm finish. A world-class sipping rum.

Casey’s Take: Yup this is the bottle that started “Rum Quest”. I remember i was looking to find a rum better then capatin morgan private stock, which was all i was drinking for many years. I went on the net and found Vizcaya which got some good reviews. So i ordered up a bottle, got it, took a sip straight up. And said to myself “there is a god” next thing I know, I drank 3/4 of the bottle. And it was 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Its that good, lots of Carmel, Vanilla, and wicked smooth. Its like liquid candy. Very dangerous! A must have Rum. I give it 9/10

Keep this rum locked up and share only with true believers.

A quick note on the web links for these two rums, both are very full of info, they will make you a better rum quester. enjoy, Lou