Wingy Dingy Thingy vs WWF Comparison

Casey’s Blog:
The Wingy Dingy Thingy or whatever the heck you call it is the newest kid on the block that the surf industry is promoting the hell out of. (I am sure it cost under $100 bucks to make one and selling them for $800 plus has something to do with it-chaaa ching! $$$$🤔). I have been asked about a zillion times this year what is my take on it? Everyone who knows me knows that I never sugarcoat nor B.S. anything.
After playing with a wing all summer I now have some experience doing the Wingy Dingy Thingy Thing or “Stringless Kiting” or whatever you want to call it. Let me first say that it’s fun! Anything that gets you on the water is fun in my opinion. The most asked question is “don’t your arms gets tired?”, and my answer is no, not really. I would go out for a 2-3 hr session and my arms never got tired. The wing mostly pulls on your arms lightly in a neutral kind of way. When I first started learning to use it, my back arm would get a little tired from sheeting in while trying to get going. As I got better with the wing, that arm stopped getting tired.
Within a couple of days, I learned to use it and I was flying and gybing on my TopGun Foil Board, which works amazingly for winging. 👍👌 I give the disclaimer that I am also a very experienced foiler and waterman so I would not expect that to be the norm for the average or beginner folk. In fact, If you don’t know how to Foil, windsurf or kitesurf it’s got to be very hard to learn to wing-foil because there is a lot going on. First off, you are tethered to the wing and you are tethered to the board. Many times I would wipe out and come up a tangled mess.😆 Also, foils and Wingys don’t like to come in contact with each other. The foil is basically 4 knives trying to cut the kite up. There is lots of tape holding my Wingy together let me tell you. 😆 Once you get past all that, the Wingy experience is very cool; flying all around back and forth was lots of fun.
One of the appealing things of Wingy to me of course was riding swell (oh and I rode lots of swell with it!).😉 One negative thing I found was the lack of stability in the whole process. It’s hard enough to foil surf alone and then you add a flapping wing throwing you off balance all the time, that sure doesn’t make it easy.😒 When catching swell heading up-wind or side-shore it’s cool to just let the Wingy go neutral and ride the swell up wind. That’s fun stuff! Now if you want to ride a swell downwind, that has the same problem as kite surf foiling. You are now going with the wind matching it’s speed, which means the wing loses it’s lift and falls out of the air. So you literally have to hold the wingy up over your head and try to foil surf at the same time.😣 Not any fun and a very frustrating experience. The only time I could downwind foil surf on the wing was in 25-35kts+ where you had lots of wind keeping that wing in the air. So my conclusion of Wing foiling in the surf is- if you want to leisurely ride some swell upwind it works great, otherwise you need lots of wind to ride downwind. Side off conditions, for the lucky few in this world, are the best for the Wingy. Side off conditions work much better to be able ride a wave any way you want and they are best for keeping the wing flying.👍
“How is ‘Wingy Dingy Thingy’ compared to ‘Windsurf Wave Foiling?’” is the second most frequently asked question I have been asked this year. Both sports actually share the some of the same traits such as using a way smaller power source which makes it so easy on the arms/body (as long as they are paired up with the big surfy glidey foils). I am a bit biased but my conclusion is that Windsurf Wave Foiling wins that debate by a large margin and here is why. WWF is way easier and way way more stable (at least on a TopGun/GoFoil combo). The sail/mast being attached to the board always gives you something to lean on. When flying with the Wing, you need very good balance and two brains because you have to fly two independent things at once (the wing and the foil board…that is a lot going on!). WWF is way more efficient with the sail. I will use .5m to 1m less in sail size compared to Wing size. The smaller the size the more fun it is… that goes with any sport. WWF is way safer because the rig is attached to the board you pretty much always know where the foil is when you wipe out. When you crash while winging, you sometimes have no idea where that board and foil is which can be a bit nerve-wracking. When it comes to Riding swell, WWF is the big winner because you can ride any wave in any direction you want just by flagging out the sail. Winging is limited to upwind riding unless its blowing 30 or is side off (and if it’s blowing 30, I really don’t want to be on a foil). Good clean side off conditions can be where Winging can be on par or maybe even more fun…again that’s if you’re lucky enough to live in such a rare place. Traveling on planes would be much easier with the Wingy dingy Thingy. It packs up in a big backpack (though RRD has made sail kits that do the same now).

Well that pretty much sums up my experience with the wingy dingy thingy so far. I am looking forward to see how this new sport evolves. I expect to see lots of innovation in the next few years. Wingy dingy thingy is in it’s puppy stages. I feel like it’s just like Kiting was in the beginning; it took kiting about 6-8 years for the gear to start to be any fun. Luckily everything evolves faster these days.👍🤙 Remember, this is just my opinion on the subject. As always, with anything in life, give it a try and come up with your own take on it. Some people will love it and some will think it’s stupid. Either way it’s always fun learning new sports and playing with new toys.

8 thoughts on “Wingy Dingy Thingy vs WWF Comparison”

  1. I found the Slingwing you are using a little on the heavy side so it works great in high winds but is not a light wind wing in a 4.2 size.

    If you can get your hands on another wing, such as the F-one Swing give it a try too, the experience will be different.

    There is definitely a learning curve I went through, even though I am an experienced wind foiler.

    My experience with the F-one Wing is it does not fall out of the air when going down wind. I can hold it overhead and it powers on and off so easily as needed to ride the swell.

    This is where I see an advantage over using a sail. With the sail when it is flagged out it is not weightless like the wing floating overhead.

    For example, with the wing I can go directly down wind with my feet parallel on the board. I use the wing overhead to adjust my foil height. While I am not recommending this as a way to foil downwind, it highlights how you can have power in the wing when going directly down wind. With the sail completely flagged out going directly down wind you would have to turn back into the wind to get the power back in the sail, and that for me this is a big difference when riding the swells.

    I love riding the swells, and the wing for me feels lighter and freer when surfing swells.

    1. Great info Bry, Ya I have tried many brands Wings but have yet to get my hands on a Fone rig, Hopefully next year. But that’s why I think Winging is gonna take some time to evolve. Same thing can be said about WWF kits. Unless you have ridden my TopGun/Gofoil combo all the rest on the kits are freaken horrible. The Windsurf industry completely Whiffed on that one. For example a WWF rig should always feel neutral and weightless, so you WWF the same exact way you would Foil surf. If it doesn’t feel like that, then you have a “Wind foil” kit. If you ever had a chance to try one of my kits I sure you would understand what I am talking about. From my experience That’s one of the most frustrating things about Winging. all the wings I have tried (Maybe the F-one will change that🤔) wont stay flying in 10-20 going direct DW. Its just the Laws of Physics because you are going excatly the same speed as the wind or tiny bit faster then the wind. Nothing will fly without wind speed. On the TopGun/Gofoil kit I will do 5 mile downwinders all day long just Flagging the smaller size sail out making the wind irrelevant. Always surfing the same exact way I would with-out a sail, and the whole WWF experience is just way easier.
      Either way Both sports have the same principles. one the power source is horizontal the other is vertical everything else is basically the same. (also the reason my boards work great for both sports.) Both Sports have lots of evolving to do. I am working on the 5 generation of TopGun boards and a Wing specific model now too. 🤔 Along with testing new foils all the time, we keep pushing the envelope of what is possible. As always the goal is to have the most fun on the water. 🤙 Hit The Lip!

      1. Once you start testing a Wing Specific Model it would be great to post about it in This is a pretty active Group of Wing Foilers and getting more popular as more people try the wing.

        One thing about the wing is it is really meant for swell foiling. With wind foiling you have a lot of manufacturers going for speed with large Olympic sized boards. As you mentioned the windsurf industry whiffed by not focusing on WWF, but the wing industry is really pushing riding swells.

    2. Bryn,That is interesting . With WWF going directly downwind I never noticed it being issue to angle slightly one way or the other to repower the sail/foil. I never got that far to evaluate the wing in direct downwind vs a sail, so I dont have the experience with the wing you have..It seems so rare that I would be riding WWF directly downwind w/o needing/ wanting to be turning on the swell. The constant reforming of the swell seemed to lend itself to almost continually adjusting the angle to meet the part of the wall of swell you want to be riding. I have seen kite and Sup foilers in the gorge go directly downwind but not really swell riding more to get from point A to point B.Interesting point.

  2. I have been logging 2000 to 3000 miles each year on the windfoil. I got the topgun maverick board in December and I have started using it with a doutone echo wing. 5m, 6m and 7m. I’m getting up on the foil in sub 8 mph winds using the gofoil maliko 280 and gl240 with the 7m echo. But im still in my learning phase. Maverick has been a great board for me so far and I do not want a smaller board yet. I just did 21 days in a row and really enjoy the way maverick pumps up on to foil.

  3. I am doing WWF in Dahab Egypt. Slingshot board 87 liters, foil moses with front wing 750 (Baltz pro). Very fast and fun. In order to eliminate the sail on the wave, it is enough to remove it behind yourself by completely closing it. It only takes a fraction of a second to turn it back on (when the speed drops) by opening it to the desired angle, and then removing it again. This, in my opinion, is the main advantage over the wings.

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