11’8 Wind Sup Rocks!

Casey’s Blog:
Well i am back from hatteras, and of course I bring some new toys home with me. One toy didn’t make the trip, it needs to get glued back together, oops!

The other toy did make it home and it rocks! Its called the “Exocet 11’8 WindSup” board. I paired it up with a “Aerotech 4.8 WindSup sail”. The board is so much freaken fun. Plus its the only board i have tried ,(and i have tried lots of them) that Windsurf up onto a fast plane, and will rip when paddle surfing in waist high waves with lots of stability. It truly does everything well. And thats not even the main reason i bought it. It has a old school style kick up/down center board. So now in 1 tack in 6 knots i will be at the top of the reef ready to ride some waves. When the center board is kicked up i never felt any performance loss windsurfing or paddling. And this board is fast, i was sailing it at the hole with a 6.2 powered up and was keeping up with people on 95L boards, i was only maybe 1-2 mph slower. And it gybes so smooth and fast. i never came off a plane in a turn. I was having so much fun i couldn’t step off the thing. Then the wife took it (beginner windsufer) and was loving it, uphauling with ease, getting in the harnesses, tacking, gybing, kicking the center board down, so she could get back up wind,( so no walk of shame), her smile was bigger then mine. I cant say enough good things about this board. I know its a big old long board, but it offers so much more. If i only could own 1 board and 1 sail. I would choose this board and the Aerotech wind sup sail. I can show up to the beach any day, no matter what the conditions, 0-25 knots of wind or paddle and have lots of fun. Getting skunked is a thing of the past. What was old is New again. And its great for windsurfing!

*Warning* I know I sound crazy, but don’t try this board, Your bank account will thank you. Hit The Lip!!!!

The perfect Fun do everything Combo.
Love the Thin Pin tail.
Step Tail, this is what makes it do everything.
Aerotech Wind Sup sail, Super Light, Rigs in 10 seconds, Love it

12 thoughts on “11’8 Wind Sup Rocks!”

  1. That is a glowing endorsement. I trust your opinion since your are always trying and buying new boards. I must say you sure know how to get the most fun out of a wave. I’m psyched that your bride loves it too. Is there a place to hook the paddle onto the mast in case the wind dies? Does it track better than a 11’2″ Blend? If that board works well in Hatteras just imagine how it will work at the reef! I guess the only time I’ll be able to try it is while you and your bride are working.

    1. That’s me! all about waves. 11 8 does track better then the blend. And surfs just as good. I have already scored 3 days on the reef with it. Before i wrote the review. It soo much fun. Dont worry jim, you’ll get to try it.

  2. You just need a Super Freak to go with it 😉

    The most fun board in your 19 years deserves the most fun sails in my 35 years! Perfect for long and short boards, light, luffable, silent… and georgeous.

    Freak Drew

    1. Your right drew, the super freak would go perfect with this board. I love those sails. Hot sails need’s to make a roll up sail like the aerotech wind sup. For those light wind days.

      1. Jeff is building “Summersails” for longboarding. A 5.5, 6.5 and 7.5 was the plan, and I think they were all going to be battenless. And there’s also the SpeedFreaks now… my SuperFreaks are 2004 & 2005s, so I’m hoping to get a new set soon. All the choices are freaking me out 🙂

    1. Its been a long time since a sailed a kona one. I remember the kona one, was a great traditional windsurfing long board. But not very good for paddle surfing, its was way to tippy. But it wasn’t made to be a sup board. The wind sup is 31 inches wide, so its stable like a wide body baord. If you play in any waves the wind sup is a way mor fun board then the kona one.

  3. Have you tried spraying the dagger mechanism with Sailkote Mclube? I did on my WindSup, works like butter!

      1. alligier dagger does not need to be lubed. involuntary deployments may happen. don’t bother.

        kona one wave sails nicely. wind SUP wave sails better. kona one is faster, goes around a course better. Wind SUP is just stupid easy and great fun. teach, paddle, wave sail, and flat water. one board for those that would rather have just one. surf is its number one function. slap a big sail on it and a big fin and go fast(ish).

    1. To the whopper? Not even close. I rate the whopper 1 out of 10 in both category. And i rate the wind sup 8 out of 10 in both category. The whopper is only a learning sup board for heavy weights or very tall people. The board is very low in the performance department. I am not a big fan of the whopper!

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